Important: New Click Requirement

Hi MD,

This is an important update for all WordLinx members. Your
email settings have not changed. To delete your account
please log in and click 'My Account > Delete Account'.
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If this is the first email you're received from us in a while, you've missed some big changes. We have a brand new programmer who has helped us implement some fantastic features. These include...

WordLinx Points - Get rewarded for reading emails and now for sharing links too!

Share Stats - See how many times your advert has been shared, and soon where!

Credit Reminders - Members advertise with free credits to create more paid adverts!

We've also fixed many bugs that caused a lot of problems in the past. However, the reason we're emailing everyone today is that we have a new rule that affects all members.

You must now log in and click at least one link every 7 days, otherwise you won't earn from your referrals' clicks or purchases. That's a minimum of one click (any value) every week.

This rewards active members, while not punishing those who can't click daily. It also helps to deliver advertisers' campaigns more quickly. Don't miss out - click today!

Thanks for reading. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

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