Looking for an apartment is a little like hanging out in any of the many circles of hell: Between sketchy Craigslist postings, endless open houses, and stacks of renter applications, the whole thing feels like a punishment designed by Dante himself. And don't even get me started on the fierce competition that occurs over any halfway decent listing—Sparta had less plotting and fighting than your average open house.
Lovely, an apartment listing search service, upped the ante today by integrating several new features turning it into the first virtual apartment marketplace. Now, in addition to using Lovely's clean, easy interface to search for apartments, you can also secure that sweet studio directly through the app.
Not only does Lovely now make it easier to act quickly and grab an awesome apartment—the new system, Apply with Lovely, allows users to fill out one application which can then be sent to (multiple) listings with a single click which is pretty neat, but not free (each application as a fee of $20).
Because Lovely has partnered with Experian, a free credit report is included, as are all the credentials you include in your renter profile such as move-in date, co-tenants, and annual income.
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