Today during Apple’s press conference, the company unveiled updated MacBook Pro models with retina displays. The new laptops sport the latest Intel processors based on the Haswell architecture. Both the 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Pros got updated.
The 13-inch model is lighter (under 3.5 lbs), slimmer (.71 inch thick) and has a bigger 9-hour battery. It has integrated graphics and Thunderbolt 2. The flash-based storage is faster and it comes with Wi-Fi 802.11ac. The New 13-inch model starts at $1,299 instead of $1,499.
The 15-inch model comes with a quad core processor, Iris Pro graphics. There are separate models with discrete graphics. It now sells for $1,999 instead of $2,199. For this price, you get a 2.0GHz quad core i7, 8GB of RAM, 256GB of storage, and the Iris Pro graphics integrated chip. Not shipping a dedicated graphics card is a step back in some way, but it will certainly improve battery life. We will have to wait for benchmarks to see if the Intel chip is enough for a wide range of tasks.
These two MacBook Pros ship today. Phil Schiller didn’t say anything about the old MacBook Pro models with a DVD drive. These models will maybe slowly be phased out. For now, there is one thing for sure — Apple is not putting any emphasis on its thick MacBook Pro.
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