After weeks of leaks and rumors, Motorola finally took the wraps off its Moto X Android phone Thursday. The handset is packed with generous battery life and a few convenience features that show Motorola is at least trying to take a stand in the ultra-competitive smartphone space.
But is this your new elite superphone? No, it doesn't look like Motorola is trying to play in that market.
The Moto X, which will retail for $200 for the 16GB version and $250 for the 32GB version, is the result of a joint venture between Google and Motorola to create a smarter, more personal smartphone. It is the first device the pair has worked closely on since Google acquired Motorola in May of last year.
Motorola announced the phone would be available on five U.S. carriers at the end of August, with more countries being announced in the near future.
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