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Why Uber's ridesharing revolution could be undone by archaic laws and aging industry


Why Uber's ridesharing revolution could be undone by archaic laws and aging industry

Amazon's same-day delivery expands in six cities

Amazon's same-day delivery expands in six cities

If you're the sort who just can't wait to get household goods but cringe at having to brave the lines at the local store, today might be your lucky day. [Read more...]
You can't stop the selfie

You can't stop the selfie

You can't escape the selfie. No one can. Celebrities do it; politicians do it; and it's likely you or someone you know has done it. [Read more...]
Foursquare wants to be the mayor of personalized local search

Foursquare wants to be the mayor of personalized local search

About three months ago, Foursquare announced that it would be splitting its app in two. It launched Swarm for check-ins and everything social, while the main titular offering would focus on being a customized discovery and recommendation engine -- which is what CEO and co-founder Dennis Crowley wanted Foursquare to be all along. [Read more...]
Ninja Sphere promises to turn your house into a smart home for $329

Ninja Sphere promises to turn your house into a smart home for $329

Back in January, a smart home device called Ninja Sphere made over $650,000 on Kickstarter. Now, its creators (Ninjablocks) has started accepting its first pre-orders outside the crowdfunding website for $329 per unit. [Read more...]

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