All you need to know from the week that was.


Leaks, lies and the bottom line

"The iPhone 6 will be released globally on September 19th," an email in my inbox reads. I don't know who the tipster is, nor how they came across this nugget of information.

Microsoft wants you to say farewell to ye olde Internet Explorer

Microsoft seriously wants users let go of older Internet Explorers and move on -- so much so that the company has even set a deadline.

IBM's new supercomputing chip mimics the human brain with very little power

A lot has changed in the three years since IBM first unveiled a prototype of its human brain-inspired SyNAPSE (Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics) chip.

What to expect from NFL Now, the league's new video network

It's been roughly six months since the National Football League announced NFL Now, a digital network designed from the ground up to, hopefully, fit the needs of fans on the internet.

RJD2 will join us at our free Engadget Expand event in NYC!

On November 7th and 8th, Engadget Expand heads back to New York City's Javits Center and this time around, admission is free! And if the Big Apple isn't where you'll be that weekend, no sweat -- we'll keep you updated with live streams from the stage and dispatches from the show floor.

You can't stop the selfie

You can't escape the selfie. No one can. Celebrities do it; politicians do it; and it's likely you or someone you know has done it.

BlackBerry's rebirth: how a fallen smartphone giant plans to remake itself

BlackBerry has stopped bleeding -- officially, at least. In a memo leaked to Reuters, CEO John Chen tells staff that three years of job cuts are over, and that the former mobile legend can start building itself back up rather than salvaging what's left of its smartphone empire.

Why your brand-new plane doesn't have a seat-back TV

Earlier this year, I boarded a United flight from Newark to San Diego. After passing the first few rows, a young boy turned to his mother and asked, "Why aren't there any TVs?" "It's probably an older plane," she responded -- but that couldn't be further from the truth. The aircraft, a 737-900 with Boeing's Sky Interior (a Dreamliner-esque recessed ceiling lit with blue LEDs), had only been flying for a few weeks.

The Barisieur alarm clock automatically brews coffee while you wake

It's no secret the first five minutes of consciousness for many of us each morning involves brewing a cup o' joe.

Here's how Microsoft plans to take over NFL sidelines

Are you ready for some football? Because Microsoft most certainly is. To go along with the introduction of a new NFL app for Xbox One and Windows 8, the software giant has also revealed how it plans to help professional coaches and players during games.

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