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Nokia Lumia 630 review: An affordable phone you can live without


Nokia Lumia 630 review: An affordable phone you can live without

Nike finally introduces a Fuelband app for Android

Nike finally introduces a Fuelband app for Android

Despite rumors of the Nike+ Fuelband's demise (and a cozy relationship with Apple), the sportswear maker has finally expanded its compatibility by releasing a sync app for Android. [Read more...]
What you need to know about laser-cut clothing

What you need to know about laser-cut clothing

You know the intricate, elegant, classic pattern found on your grandma's doilies? Imagine that design as an item of clothing. [Read more...]
Clarification: Does Xbox One have 10% more horsepower without Kinect?

Clarification: Does Xbox One have 10% more horsepower without Kinect?

Here's the short answer, right up front: no. The long, more explanatory answer is more complex of course. Last week at E3 2014, GameTrailers host and well-known video game dude Geoff Keighley tweeted this: After @xboxp3 interview I've been asking devs about impact of new Xbox sdk on perf. [Read more...]
Parallels' new remote desktop apps let you control your PC like a phone

Parallels' new remote desktop apps let you control your PC like a phone

Remote desktop apps have an easier time working on tablets, where you have a lot of display area to work with, but they're frequently awkward on smartphones. [Read more...]

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