Engadget Daily, 04.29

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Engadget Email Newsletter


The new Engadget: It's all about you... except when it's about us


The new Engadget: It's all about you... except when it's about us

What you need to know to keep the Feds out of your phone

What you need to know to keep the Feds out of your phone

If you're arrested for overdue speeding tickets, is it acceptable for the police to search the phone on your person? How about if you're arrested for drug trafficking? In the eyes of the law, there is no difference: If you're arrested, you're arrested, whatever the crime. [Read more...]
My VCR taught me about sex

My VCR taught me about sex

Sex. The word alone still makes me giggle. But that's more to do with my status as a self-described man-child, and a proud one at that, than any real sexual immaturity. [Read more...]
You can now use the iPhone for free, as long as you don't mind old gear

You can now use the iPhone for free, as long as you don't mind old gear

To date, FreedomPop's no-cost phone service has been attached to older Android phones. That's fine for many, but not exactly diverse. [Read more...]
Samsung blurs the line between phone and camera (again) with the Galaxy K zoom

Samsung blurs the line between phone and camera (again) with the Galaxy K zoom

Last year, Samsung tried something a little kooky: it made a mash-up of a middling smartphone and a solid point-and-shoot camera (you know, the kind smartphones have nearly driven to extinction). [Read more...]

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