Google has added new features to its search app on iOS, like updated reminders and hands-free search, designed to proactively deliver information to people at certain moments.
The features include updated push notifications for things like appointments, flights, and restaurant reservations; a way to set reminders by voice; a new set of "cards" to help users keep track of their tickets and boarding passes; and hands-free search activated by saying "Ok Google."
The new tools, which were announced Tuesday, bring more of the features that are already on Google's Android-based search app to iOS devices.
Providing information to people without them having to ask for it is a common theme in the new tools. With the updated push notifications, for instance, users will see an alert on their lock screen telling them they should leave soon for an appointment if there is traffic on the road. Previously, these types of notifications could only be accessed within the search app on iOS, but now they will appear more front and center on the device.
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