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After first being tipped all the way back in May, new rumors suggest Google will soon unveil SMS and MMS integration for Google Hangouts on Android. The new functionality means you can use one application for most of your on-the-go communication, with the exception of email and voice calls.
The new text message rumblings come courtesy of a leaked photo on Android Police showing off a purported settings screen for an upcoming version of Hangouts, which clearly shows checkboxes for integrating SMS and MMS functionality into Google's unified communications platform. The settings screen suggests the new feature will be optional, at least at first.
The new functionality is expected to show up in version 1.3 of Hangouts—we're currently at 1.2—but there's no timetable for when the new app update might rollout, Android Police says. The Android-focused blog also can't say for sure whether MMS video sharing will be supported at launch. The new app will, however, reportedly support video sharing over Wi-Fi.
Perhaps the most interesting part of this whole story is that Android Police's Artem Russakovskii believes Hangouts will one day replace the Android SMS Messaging app altogether, at least for Nexus devices beginning with Android 4.4. Hangouts has already replaced Google Talk and Google+ Messenger on Android.
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