There are many thousands of apps. Whatever your goal, as Apple's erstwhile advertising campaign proclaimed, "There's an app for that." But some apps are simply must-haves—whether for their functionality, their interface brilliance, or just their entertainment factor. Here are ten apps your new iPhone shouldn't be without.
1. Google Maps (free)
When it comes to online mapping services, Apple has made inroads, but Google still rules. The free Google Maps app gives you more than just maps: It also provides turn-by-turn navigation for driving, walking, and bicycling, and—Apple Maps's one major omission—public transit directions. It's quick and easy to use, too.
2. Reeder 2 ($5)
Silvio Rizzi's Reeder is an RSS reader, and if you're not yet on the RSS bandwagon, you should be. The app, which can sync with your favorite RSS services or work as as a stand-alone reader, presents a simple interface for reading the latest articles from all your favorite websites. Tap a headline, and the article slides into view. If the feed in question shows only a summary, Reeder's built-in Readability support can help: Reverse-pinch on the text (or tap the Readability button), and Reeder quickly loads the rest of the article automatically. Tap and hold on links to bring up a sharing window; Reeder makes it easy to email links, save links to Instapaper (another great reading app), post links to various social networks, and more.
3. Vine (free)
Who knew six seconds of video could be so much fun?
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