Motorola's plans to conquer the smartphone world doesn't include high resolution screens, faster-than-light processors, or gimmicky "hand-waving" features like its competitors. Instead, the company hopes to grab your attention with a mid-tier (and presumably, reasonably-priced) phone that focuses on unique software features it thinks everyone will find useful. It's so crazy, that it just might work.
Whether you're a power user or a newcomer to the smartphone world, Motorola hopes the phone it will announce tomorrow will have something new for you. Let's take a look at some of the rumors surrounding tomorrow's big announcement.
The colors!
Motorola employees using a bright green Moto X.
Perhaps the most unique feature of the Moto X will be its customizablility. The phones are said to be assembled in Texas in a factory formerly utilized by Nokia. Motorola's Fourth of July campaign also hinted that the new phone would be "designed by you," the user, which has lead many to believe that there will be some element of personalized customization available.There have been plenty of leaks over what the Moto X will look like. It's cropped up in leaked photos on a plethora of foreign technology news sites, and Google's Eric Schmidt even teased it by using it in front of of journalists at a recent event. We're aware the device will most likely be available in black and white, but another leaked image (like the one above) shows a bright green phone resembling the one Schmidt was holding earlier. The Moto X may come in a wide variety of colors, and include other customizealbe options (like wallpapers), shipping in just days from the U.S. assembly plant.
A "Clear Pixel" camera
The "Clear Pixel" lens may help take better photos in low-light situations.
No phone can make it on the market today without a good camera, and the Moto X's take may be a 10.5 megapixel "Clear Pixel" camera with gesture controls similiar to the ones that we saw on the Droid phones debuted last week. The leak comes by way of Taylor Wimberly, formally of AndroidAndMe, who has been leaking minor tidbits about the handset on his Google Plus profile. Wimblerly's explains the ClearPixel technology like so:
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